Science & Engineering
for Greater Good
Science & Engineering
for Greater Good
"Tough tech translation is a team sport, and the Grid is the Paulson School's engine to help shape, lift, and advance science and engineering breakthroughs towards impact in the world."
David C. Parkes
John A. Paulson Dean of the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, George F. Colony Professor of Computer Science
Paul Hayre
Executive Director
Sally Klimp
Program Manager
Alana MacMahon
Coordinator, Harvard Grid and Industry Partnerships
Isaac T. Kohlberg
Senior Associate Provost and Chief Technology Development Officer
Harvard Office of Technology Development
David Hwang
Dean for Research
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Sam T. Liss
Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships
Harvard Office of Technology Development
Ellie Carlough
Director of Industry Partnerships
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Arjun Batra
Innovation Intern
Harvard Grid
Kuma McCraw
Innovation Intern
Harvard Grid
Aurelia Chen
Innovation Intern
Harvard Grid
Lael Ayala
Innovation Intern
Harvard Grid
JP Liang
Marketing & Comms Advisor
Harvard Grid
Coppelia Marincovic
SEAS/i-lab Expert in Residence
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Jake Russell
SEAS/i-lab Expert in Residence
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Adam Jackson
SEAS/i-lab Expert in Residence
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences