Tender Food is a food technology company on a mission to make alternative meats so delicious, nutritious, and affordable that eating animals just won't make sense anymore!

Industry Insights
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Christophe Chantre shared valuable insights into how scaling technology-based solutions can change the meat industry, which contributes a large share of total global greenhouse gas emissions, to embrace products that are cleaner for the planet and healthier for consumers. To bring complex technology to scale that could shift a massive industry, “you need to work on developing tech for years, then venture capital (VC) dollars really help.” Also, “having a team is really helpful”. According to Christophe, you can’t do everything all at once. For example, if you have a great team then someone can be fundraising while another person is working on building and developing the technology.
Christophe also shared unique perspectives on the food industry. Balancing demand and inventory can be a big risk. When making decisions around supply, Christophe noted that supply is a fun problem. “You always have to be at the bleeding edge of what the customer will be willing to bear in terms of uncertainty” and “you want to go as fast as possible”. You don’t want to have a ton of inventory and no customers. Especially as their product focuses on whole-cuts rather than alternative nuggets or burgers, future partnerships with major distributors will require inventory to be set at a pre-determined fixed quantity rather than partnerships with smaller stores that have a more flexible response to supply and demand.