Digital Biology is building the precision measurement platform to streamline design of next-generation therapies, guided by a conviction that “the future of biology is digital.” The Boston area startup is developing cutting-edge therapies to screen, characterize, and optimize therapeutic interactions directly within biological systems. Harnessing the power of molecular engineering to map biological interactions in their native context, their technogy is enabling functional screening of genetically encoded systems at scale.

Lab-to-Launch Lounge
Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023
Josie Kishi, PhD is the co-founder and CEO of Digital Biology. As both a computer scientist and DNA nanotechnologist, Josie has focused her work towards building new tools to measure and understand biology and disease.
She earned her B.S. with honors from Caltech, where she studied Computer Science, and a Ph.D. from Harvard, in Systems Biology. In her doctoral thesis and later postdoctoral fellowship at the Wyss Institute, she developed new methods for single-stranded DNA synthesis as well as new tools for DNA-based imaging and sequencing. Her latest research has focused on the development of new spatial sequencing technologies, which allow microscopy imaging and next generation sequencing (NGS) data to be captured from the same cells. She is an inventor on 10+ patents pending and is now Co-Founder and CEO of Digital Biology, Inc.
One piece of advice to Venturing@Harvard
"De-risking your business model and finding the right customers early is as essential as de-risking the technical parts of your idea."