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Travis Busbee, Co-founder and CEO of Voxel8

Voxel8 was a venture capital-backed multi-material 3D printing spin-out from Harvard until it was acquired by Kornit Digital.

Lab-to-Launch Lounge

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Travis Busbee is a returning PhD student in Jennifer Lewis' group at Harvard SEAS. Before resuming his academic pursuits, Travis was a co-founder and CEO of Voxel8, a venture capital-backed multi-material 3D printing spin-out from Harvard. At Voxel8, he successfully led the company through a significant technology pivot, reorganization, and subsequent fundraising. Following the commercial launch of Voxel8's new digital printing products for athletic wear customization and the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, Travis's leadership was instrumental in negotiating the sale of Voxel8 to Kornit Digital (KRNT) and overseeing its integration with Kornit's Israeli headquarters. Travis holds a Bachelor's degree in Materials Science from Ohio State University and a Master's in Engineering Sciences from Harvard. He is an inventor with 14 granted patents and has over 4,000 citations for his peer-reviewed journal articles.

One piece of advice to Venturing@Harvard

"Choose a business goal that if accomplished will make you personally feel like you did something real to help the world.”

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