A soft lightweight wearable to deliver timed electrical stimulation to the ankle for improving everyday poststroke walking combined with a remote monitoring platform that therapists can use to monitor and adjust treatment
Conor Walsh, PhD (Harvard SEAS) will be the project PI with other members of the lab
contributing to the project.
Mark Etzelmueller, a research fellow at the Harvard Move Lab will serve as Project Lead and has strong interest in moving the technology towards translation.
Dabin Choe (G5-Harvard) is a PhD student who will lead data collection and technical development of sensor control and timing algorithms.
Fivos Kavassalis is a research fellow at the Harvard Move Lab with a background in electrical engineering and industry experience who is focused on system development.

A research team in Conor Walsh’s lab has developed a prototype for electrically stimulating propulsion-generating calf muscle groups with an adaptive controller for individualizing the timing and magnitude of pulses. The neuroprosthesis includes sensors to monitor walking biomechanics, an integrated electrode array to optimize muscle stimulation, and cloud-connected capabilities for remote monitoring.
In initial trials, users found an immediate benefit to both walking strength and speed, including signs that their muscles were recovering.
Currently, they are improving the device and will conduct additional real-world testing. They are seeking outside funding and commercial partners to support the launch of a startup.
Project Overview
Interested in this technology? We are currently seeking partners in academia and industry to collaborate on further developments.